How to Detect a Water Leak in an Earth-based Dam or Pond
Leaks can lead to significant water loss, increased costs & also impact environment surrounding the dam. Early leak detection can save water, reduce maintenance costs, & ensure long-term sustainability.
Leaking Dam or Pond: A Quick Guide to Prevent Water Loss
If you're dealing with a leaking dam or pond, it's essential to address the issue quickly to prevent further water loss. Water loss, especially in an agricultural setting, can lead to lost productivity costing you time & money.
Prepare Your Dam for Summer
With summer here, ensuring your dams & ponds are properly sealed is crucial to prevent drying out. After recent rains, many dams are full for the first time in years, but increased pressure can expose or create leaks.
What Dam Sealer Is Right For Me?
Plug it with Water$ave Plug or seal it with Water$ave Seep? You want to try one of our Water$ave Dam Sealers but don’t know where to start? A few factors will determine which product is best suited to you.
Which Water$ave Dam Sealer is best for me?
Which Water$ave product you will need will depend on a few factors. These include water loss, leak location, extent of leak & the soil type.
Polymer vs Liners
Find out why our polymers are the better choice when compared to a liner when sealing your leaking earthen dam or pond.