Flora Gel For Florists & More
Flora Gel is most commonly used in the floricultural industry as it is specially designed to help preserve the life of cut flowers. Flora Gel absorbs & retains large quantities of water & nutrients, then gradually releases them when required. This allows the plants or flowers to flourish while minimising the need to water or use an oasis. Flowers can also be stored, packed, transported & displayed without extra handling.
Flora Gel is safe & easy to use. It is often used in wedding centrepieces & other event displays. The gel is able to be dyed to suit any occasion & theme. Dye is added to water & then that water is used to hydrate the Flora Gel. Multiple colours can be used in one display but should be hydrated separately by colour then added to the display.
A little goes a long way. 2 teaspoons of Flora Gel to 1 litre of water is the recommended ratio. This can be adjusted should a different texture be required. Flora Gel Hydrates in minutes but for full hydration it should be left for 12-24 hours.
Flora Gel was designed for the floricultural industry but also has a range of other uses:
- Pest Termination - Flora Gel has been used here in Australia & overseas to assist with the termination process of unwanted pest ant colonies.
- Cool Gel Packs – Flora gel can be used in the creation of cool packs, cool ties & pet beds
- Special Effects - Multiple movies have used Flora Gel in different stages of hydration for various looks with addition of different dyes.
- Oil Burners – When hydrated, Flora Gel can be covered in essential oils & burnt. This increases the burn time & can be safer than using just water.
- Jelly Wrestling – Event & entertainment organisations have used Flora Gel for jelly wrestling events as an easier to use alternative to the traditional gelation used.
- Floating Candles – Flora Gel has been used as a water replacement for floating candle displays. Candles stay in position while giving a unique visual effect.
Flora Gel is available to Order Now online in 700g, 10kg or 15kg pails.
All our polymers are safe to handle, non-toxic & non-hazardous according to Worksafe & the GHS.
Australian owned & operated for over 20 years.
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